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Healthcare Solutions

Delivering Better Accuracy, Reliability and Precision

With Epson technologies, your patients and staff enjoy improved efficiency, fewer errors and downtime, simplified payments and admissions, accelerated training times and mitigated operational risks.

Essential Solutions for Medical Centres

Epson’s fast and reliable technology, engineered for healthcare, can help improve staff efficiency and increase overall patient satisfaction.

Printers for In-Patient Wristbands & Medication Receipts

Improve patient safety with on-demand, fast-drying, solvent-resistant color prescription labels and patient wristbands. Printers are mobile and tablet-friendly for quick in-patient pharmacy shelf tags and medication receipts.

Additional Solutions for Healthcare

Epson technology can improve efficiency and accuracy at nearly every point in a patient’s health-care journey. Records can be stored and distributed more safely and securely, medical and registration documents such as prescriptions and insurance cards can be swiftly scanned, and laboratory, pharmacy and hospital payments can be processed quickly with industry-leading check scanners.

Additional Solutions for Administrative Offices

From projectors to printers, Epson has the technology to help with everything from engaging your staff to creating more precise healthcare documents. These powerful tools can help you conduct more interactive meetings, collaborate with other medical centers, train associates more effectively or enjoy reliable and cost-effective printing.