Recycling at EPSON India Pvt. Ltd.
What does Epson India recycle?
Epson India complies with the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 and E-Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2018. As part of Extended Producers' Responsibility, Epson has set up a collection mechanism to channelize and dispose e-waste.

The following items are disposed in an environment friendly way:
I. As a Producer Epson India collects the following E-waste:
· End of life products like Printers, Scanners, Copiers etc.
· Ink cartridges & Toner cartridges
II. As a Bulk Consumer of electronic equipment (both Epson & non-Epson make) like laptops, PCs, printers, copiers etc.
How does Epson recycle in India?
Epson India has tied up with the Two Producer Responsibility Organization (PROs) and four Recyclers for fulfilling its responsibilities, as mentioned in E-waste management Rule 2016. Through the PROs, Epson India is facilitating the creation of a system for development and implementation of a responsible e-waste management system. This includes awareness creation and execution of engagement campaigns and collection programs with consumers, bulk Consumers, Waste Pickers and Waste Aggregators etc. on enabling responsible e-waste management. The objective of Epson India endeavor with the PROs is to create an efficient, transparent, scaled operational system which will make responsible management of e-waste across the country a norm.
List of Recyclers and PROs associated with Epson India are as mentioned under:-
SL No. | PRO |
1 | RLG Systems India Pvt. Ltd., |
2 | Saahas Waste Management Pvt. Ltd., |
SL No. | Recycler |
1. | E-Parisaraa Pvt. Ltd., |
2. | Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd., |
3. | JustDispose Recycling Pvt. Ltd., |
4. | Resource E-Waste Solutions Pvt. Ltd., |
How can you participate in the Epson Recycling Programee in India?
Consumer Recycling Program:
Epson India offers free recycling program to its consumers for Epson and Non- Epson branded products. This service is available to consumers nationwide.
Consumers have various options to avail this service. Either consumer can call on toll free number, write to us an email, submit online request form or can find the nearest collection center to drop off e-waste for environmentally sound recycling.
Toll Free Number:- 1800 123 001 600
Website link:-
Collection centres:- Collection Centre List
Buy Back Scheme-
Epson India Pvt. Ltd (EPIL) comes out with buy back schemes from time to time for select models of printers. Customers can trade-in old printer while buying new printer & in turn get discount on the new printer. This helps Epson India Pvt. Ltd get used printers in return which are ultimately handed over to EPIL appointed Recycler/Producer responsibility organization (PRO) for recycling such used printers in environment friendly manner.
Collection Centers / Points-
Epson India Pvt. Ltd. has been committed to effective collection of all e-waste from PAN-India location and has been managing collection of e-waste using its own collection centres and the collection centres of its appointed PRO. We have been assigning the appointed PRO or recycler by us to collect the cumulative load within 180 days from it been deposited by the consumer. The list of Epson or its PRO collection centers are available in this link Collection Centre List
Online form submission for E-Waste pick - up
In case customer cannot drop the E-Waste at collection points appointed by EPIL & customer carries a substantial volume of e-waste then customer can call EPIL customer helpline or go to e-waste page in EPIL authorized website, fill the online form, submit it after mentioning the details required in online form. The said inquiry will come to EPIL dedicated team. The inquiry is then allocated to PRO or recycler for pickup of E-Waste from customer place.
E-Waste procurement by PRO
Besides collecting the E-Waste from various sources as described above, in order to achieve the E-Waste targets as per the EPR approval, EPIL through its PRO also procures E-Waste from open market like aggregators, bulk consumers/office clusters, RWA etc.
RoHS Compliance
RoHS stands for Reduction in Hazardous Substance, which is a mandate by the regulatory enforcement, which will have pre-requisite for the Producer or Manufacturer of the Brand be strictly complying. This is purely to structure the usage of hazardous elements in any electronic or electrical product, basically to eliminate any threat to health and life using them. The term is purely used to understand the effect of components in the product on the environment. The technical documents (supplier declaration- description of the product, document for materials, parts, and/or sub-assemblies and analytical test result) as evidence that the reduction of hazardous substance (RoHS) provisions are compiled by the product based on standard EN 50581 of EU. RoHS Declaration for reference.