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About Epson India
Epson India Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in the year 2000. Epson products address the needs of homes, businesses and commercial enterprises as those of consumers with specialized needs in India. With a commitment to providing products and services that surpass people’s expectations, Epson India today has an enviable reputation for quality and value. Headquartered in Bangalore, the company markets and supports Epson Inkjet Printers, Inkjet All-in-Ones, Point of Sale Printers, 3LCD Projectors, Scanners, Large Format Printers, Robots and Dot-Matrix Printers. In all of these categories, Epson is either the No. 1 or No. 2 brand in India and growing fast. 
Epson aspires to be an indispensable company, trusted throughout the world for our commitment to openness, customer satisfaction and sustainability.
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Leading with Innovation

Innovation. That's what Epson is all about. Innovations that bring value, touch lives and most importantly... redefine the world of technology.

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Sustainable Development Goals

In our efforts to become an indispensable company, Epson created and compared Key CSR Themes alongside the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, adopting the 17 SDGs.

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Epson Company History

Our long tradition of introducing efficient, precise products will continue into the future – with the continued development of some of the most advanced micromechantronics capabilities for ultra-fine, high-precision processing.

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Epson in India

Set up as a small liason office in 1990 in India, Epson has grown to become a leading digital imaging and printing solutions brand in the country. With a turnover of almost Rs. 2,000 crores the Epson brand has positively touched the lives of millions of Indians over the years.

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Our history of creativity and challenges originated from assembling watch components, leading to the development of technologies responsible for many world-first products. From printers and projectors to robots and wearables, our technologies improve life worldwide. In 2022, we at Epson celebrate our 80th anniversary.

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